Menopause – How Acupuncture can help

Acupuncture for Menopause

Menopause –
How Acupuncture can help

Acupuncture for Menopause


Acupuncture for Menopause, in Chinese medicine we encourage a woman to begin preparing for menopause from around age 35! When it comes to symptoms that can arise with the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, prevention is better than cure, but it is never too late to begin with dietary and lifestyle changes that will soften the onset and duration of any symptoms that may affect quality of life during this time of transition.

The average age for menopause (1 full year without a menstrual cycle) is 51 but this can really vary and some women may experience hormonal changes much earlier or a little later in life.

Some of the symptoms that may present with the peri-menopause and menopause include sleep disturbances, hot flushes in the day or night sweats, mood swings, muscle aches, headaches, fluctuations in the menstrual flow from very light to very heavy, fatigue, brain fog, thyroid changes, fluctuations with libido, vaginal dryness and difficulty maintaining or losing weight

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formula can help you navigate through this time with more harmony.

Approaching and during the menopause we will see a decline in Kidney Yin (cooling and moistening fluids of the body) due to hormonal changes which results in an increase in Yang (heating and drying energy of the body) resulting in some of the common unpleasant symptoms.

Acupuncture in Adelaide

Acupuncture treatment will aim to reduce symptoms by engaging and boosting the cooling fluids of the body and balance the energy of the Kidney and the Heart, cooling the blood to reduce heat symptoms, calming the spirit to support sleep and regulate the Liver to promote a smoother mood.

Every woman will have a unique experience. Some women may simply feel a little warmer than normal. Each woman will be treated individually with acupuncture, herbs or both – and always there will be lifestyle and diet changes that may help to soften any symptoms naturally.

How many Acupuncture treatments will I need?

It can take from 3-5 years for this process to fully take place and we recommend some regular support during this time.
As Acupuncture and Herbal therapy seeks to balance out the extremes
with the changes in hormonal function, weekly sessions of around 8-10 sessions followed by fortnightly maintenance, then monthly is recommended
for the best results.

Self Care tips :

  1. Stay hydrated with room temperature water, herbal teas, soups and stews

  2. Reduce work hours if at all possible – overwork will further drain the Kidney energy

  3. Manage stress through activities such as yoga, meditation, tai chi, walks in nature.

  4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and chilli in your diet

  5. Go to bed earlier and try increase the amount of time you sleep each night

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written by:

Athira Lukaszewicz (BHSc Acu)

The BodyWorx Osteopathy 
78 Melbourne Street 
North Adelaide SA 5006
(08) 7006 3445

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