Conquer Hay Fever with Remedial Massage and Acupressure

Remedial Massage and Acupressure for Hay Fever

Conquer Hay Fever with Remedial Massage and Acupressure Spring is Here, and So Are Seasonal Allergies! Suffering from sneezing, runny nose, or itchy eyes? Hay fever can really affect your day-to- day life. While over-the-counter medications provide temporary relief, why not try a natural, lastingapproach with remedial massage and acupressure? In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), […]

Menopause – How Acupuncture can help

Acupuncture for Menopause

Menopause – How Acupuncture can help   Acupuncture for Menopause, in Chinese medicine we encourage a woman to begin preparing for menopause from around age 35! When it comes to symptoms that can arise with the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, prevention is better than cure, but it is never too late to begin […]

Osteopathy – The Fastest Growing Health Profession In Australia

Osteopath in Adelaide showing Spine model

The Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC) is an independent Government organisation that oversees and regulates the private health insurance industry. It gathers information from all funds and all payments that are made through ‘extras’ or ancillary payments.The following statistics are available on the PHIAC website. The trend over the past few years is continuing […]

Simple Stretches for a Sore Neck

Osteopaths in Adelaide treating neck pain

Painfull, Sore, stiff necks are a common problem. With the prevalence of mobile devices these days you don’t even have to be chained to the desk at an office to have a sore neck. We know that when the head balances perfectly on top of the spine there is minimal effort required from the cervical […]


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